By Ken Hanson
‘Twas the night after Christmas, somewhere in the house,
A creature was stirring, a fat little mouse.
The stockings aren’t on the chimney anymore,
They’re discarded and forgotten laying on the floor.
Everyone’s sleeping, it’s been a long day,
Except for the mouse, he’s eating away.
The turkey is tasty, the potatoes too,
The green beans are gone, the yams, still a few.
Only the crumbs are left, not much at all,
Still, it’s more than enough for something so small.
Tomorrow the stockings will be put away,
They’ll be used again, twelve months from today.
Christmas is over, a memory now,
Everyone survived the frenzy somehow.
Early service was crowded with family and friends,
We’re all hungry, we’ll eat as soon as this ends.
We sing the songs of good tiding and cheer,
This is fun, let’s do it again next year.
Don’t forget about Easter, we’ll be here then too,
Our Sunday’s are so busy we can only make a few.
It’s standing room only each time that we come,
But we’re always here, though it’s too crowded for some.
We’re ready to eat now, grace has been said,
Not much more than “Bless This Daily Bread”.
Everything is so good, kickoff time is near,
We should do this more that once a year.
I’ll coach the game from my new easy chair,
That new flat screen makes it look like I’m there.
Our son is out riding his new 2 wheel bike,
We got him everything we knew he’d like.
Our daughter is texting on her new cell phone,
She’s a bit young, but wanted one of her own.
I’ll use my new mower in the yard this spring,
My wife loves her flashy new ring.
Our credit cards really took a beating this time.
But we’re good for the minimum, everything will be fine.
The guys will come over after the game,
They’ll drink all my beer, that’s always the same.
We’ll play poker and listen to some tunes,
A good way to spend Sunday afternoons.
The wife will take the kids to Grandmas house,
I’ll look for a trap to catch that darn mouse.
When she gets back, we’ll clean up this mess,
I could do it, but I’m lazy I must confess.
The pile of boxes is higher than before,
Torn up wrapping paper covers the floor.
We really had a good Christmas this year,
The bills coming in January is what I fear.
The wife’s back now and we’re cleaning the floor,
The tree without presents looks lonelier than before.
The kids are hiding, they won’t help us clean,
It’s easier to leave them alone and avoid a scene.
The house is clean now, that was fun,
I’m kidding of course, it has to be done.
I take just a moment to relish the sight,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
Christmas is a time for families,
Does this sound like a family you’ve known,
Your brother’s or sister’s, maybe a friend,
Perhaps even your own?
Families united in Holiday celebration,
Though they may live far or near,
A joyful time of good food and presents,
But let’s not forget the reason we’re here.
At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Christ,
The anticipation grows as the time gets near,
We’ve all heard the story of his birth in a manger,
They tell it in Church this time of year.
You might see it on that big screen TV,
If you’re not watching a football game,
You think it’s no big deal if you miss it,
The story’s always the same.
Do you suppose it would sadden our Savoir,
When he realizes and the truth is told,
He’s no more important than a football game,
Another one of his flock, slipping from the fold.
When we decide to follow Christ,
That’s what he expects us to do.
To put Him first in our lives,
Is what he wants from me and you.
He deserves to be more relevant in our lives,
Than the stats of a football team,
We may be too complacent with our salvation,
A little neglectful it would seem.
Christmas has become way to commercial,
Deficit shopping trips to the mall,
It’s all about the man in the Santa suit,
That’s what the commercials tell us, after all.
There’s no profit in advertising Jesus,
They would deny Him if they had their way,
But let’s not forget the reason for the season,
Let’s keep Christ in Christmas on this Holy Day.
The family in this poem could be anyone,
An example of one slipping away,
They need to find their way back on the path,
There’s no better time than today.
What they need is a life centered on Christ,
Not on the stores out at the mall,
They need to refocus their priorities,
There’s lots of ways to do that after all.
Their son could ride his new bike to a friends house,
Perhaps one who is lost and needs to find his way,
He could tell his friend about Jesus Christ,
And the reason we celebrate on this day.
Their daughter could call a friend from school,
One that needs Jesus in her heart,
Maybe she’s having trouble at home,
And needs a way to make a fresh start.
Dad could invite his friends for Christian Fellowship,
Instead of the usual beer and poker day,
Some might not show up without alcohol,
They weren’t good friends anyway.
Maybe when Mom takes the kids to Grandma’s,
Dad could go along as well,
Grandparents enjoy the spirit of Christmas,
And their kitchens have a really good smell.
Our grandparents grew up in a earlier time,
One not as commercial as today.
They celebrated Christmas as the birth of Christ,
It wasn’t all about Santa and his Sleigh.
We could do well to learn the lessons,
Of the generations who came before,
Wisdom passed down through the ages,
Just listen, you’ll learn so much more.
Do your family a favor, take them to Church,
Celebrate the birth of Christ, forget about the mall,
Enjoy the story of this special day, pass it along,
Keep Jesus in your heart, Merry Christmas to all.