By Ken Hanson
I have a friend I’ve known for years,
He lives about 3 blocks north of me,
We don’t get together as much as I’d like,
He works just about all the time you see.
We both have a passion for antique tractors,
We display them at our annual tractor show,
We met at a meeting of an antique tractor club,
That I was president of several years ago.
We restore these old machines as a hobby,
To make sure that they survive,
We take them to shows and parades when we can,
To help keep their history alive.
My friend has quite a collection,
Mostly John Deere’s but Farmall’s too,
He’s always looking to add to the fleet,
Most don’t run but a few still do.
He says he’s going to restore them all,
I hope he does, that would really by neat,
He will discover the secret to immorality,
If he lives long enough to accomplish that feat.
My friend Chris has a brother,
He’s someone that all of you know,
Kyle is a member of this congregation,
He usually sits in the second row.
These two brothers are so much alike,
Kind of like Dave and me,
They look alike, they talk alike,
The family resemblance is there to see.
They’re both friendly and outgoing,
Full of energy and full of spirit,
I call it switched on all the time,
It will rub off on you if you get anywhere near it.
Kyle adds a lot of flavor to these services,
You can tell how much he loves the Lord,
He’s what people call a real character,
Hang around him and you’ll never be bored.
He’s also a testament to the power of Holy Spirit,
There is nothing in your life that God can’t fix,
He can snatch you back from the grasp of your demons,
“With God all things are possible”, Matthew 19:26,
One of the nice things about having a brother,
There’s always someone who’s got your back,
That means someone’s watching out for you,
He will help you stay on the right track.
Chris and Kyle, me and Dave,
We enjoy the advantage of having a brother,
He’s got my back and I’ve got his,
We’re always looking out for one another,
I’m sure it’s the same way with sisters,
But there’s not one in our family tree,
He’s the older one, I’m the younger one,
It’s always been just Dave and me.
But our family’s way bigger than that,
Some our age, some younger, some old,
We are all brothers and sisters in Christ,
Born again Christians with a common goal.
We are all here to serve the Lord,
It is our mission to help spread His word,
We must tell others about the salvation He offers,
Everyone needs to have heard.
How do we do that? We each have our way,
Some kick off a service with music at the start,
Some lead the children with a time just for them,
Some of us hope our poems touch a heart.
Some teach a class, some work in the nursery,
Some teach the young ones to rope and ride,
Some serve as an elder, some as a mentor,
We all serve The Lord with a humble sense of pride.
We also carry His words beyond these doors,
That’s the mission of any church of course,
Some witness to others at work or at school,
Some do it from the saddle of a horse.
Serving The Lord should be a priority in our lives,
There’s lots of ways to do that every day,
As many as there are people on earth,
We each have to find our own unique way.
Some might say “I don’t know how”,
“I don’t know what I should do”,
Don’t worry about that, we’ve got your back,
This whole congregation will stand behind you.
This family of God stands untied,
I’ve got your back and you’ve got mine,
Kyle and Dave have got both of ours,
And the whole church has theirs in kind.
Our pastor has got every ones back,
And Jesus stands behind him too,
God our creator started it all,
He made all of them, and me, and you.
When you open your heart to His Holy Spirit,
Your cup runneth over and your new life will begin,
Jesus provided the path to His Kingdom,
When He died on the cross to save us from sin.
It’s a trickle down theory of the Righteous kind,
From God Our Creator, through Jesus, to you,
Embrace His Holy Spirit and ask for His help,
He will show you what you can do.
In Jesus name, open your heart in prayer,
If you don’t know what to say, for you see,
In a quiet moment He will give you the words,
Just as He does for me.