By Ken Hanson
They ran in while others ran out,
That fateful day in 01,
Thousands died but many were saved,
Before the day was done.
First responders we call them,
Police, firemen, and paramedics too,
We also call them hero’s,
Their job is to save me and you.
They were where they were supposed to be,
The day the twin towers fell,
A lot more would have died had it not been for them,
They did their job very well.
Some say miracles happened that day,
As the cries of the injured filled the air,
They will say they were just doing their job,
But I believe it was God who put them there.
The earth moves, buildings fall,
And the ocean comes ashore,
Thousands trapped and dying in the rubble,
The water took thousands more.
Japan is devastated by natural disaster,
We watch the chaos on the evening news show,
How much worse can it possibly get,
All too soon, we know.
Without power, coolant pumps fail,
Reactors heat up out of control,
Man’s technology turns against him now,
Aided by Mother Natures role.
Buildings explode, steam escapes,
Radiation finds it’s way to the sea,
Human life hangs in the balance,
How much worse can it be?
We watch from our safety an ocean away,
The workers try to control their beast,
They face lethal levels of radiation,
We expect a few to run at least.
But none do, they head back in,
They sacrifice themselves to save other lives,
They willingly do what has to be done,
To save their town, their children, their wives.
Where do you find the courage to do that,
To put the safety of others ahead of your own,
I believe it to be a gift from God,
His love for us is well known.
A waiting room is a tense environment,
When a loved one is hurt or sick,
When their life depends on someone else,
It can test your faith pretty quick.
You pray that doctor or surgeon,
Has the best in training and a level head,
If something went terribly wrong,
They could end up worse or possibly dead.
Thankfully, that rarely happens,
Doctors are good at what they do,
The right people in the right place,
To save the life of me or you.
An experienced pilot in the left seat,
When the birds hit the plane that day,
A power off landing in the middle of the Hudson,
And everyone walks away.
A little baby falls down a well,
Miners trapped underground,
The right people on hand to get them out,
And everyone’s safe and sound.
Time and again we see on the news,
Someone saved in a dramatic way,
They were lucky a hero was there by chance,
Is what some people might say.
I don’t believe in fate or chance,
I don’t believe in coincidence at all,
I do believe it’s a part of God’s plan,
He’s the one in control after all.
That hero that saved that person that day,
Was right where they was supposed to be,
They didn’t just happen to be right there,
It’s part of God’s plan you see.
We know that God watches over us all,
He makes us strong enough to survive,
But if we’re not he will send in a hero,
Someone put there to keep us alive.
A nurse finds a fever at 3 am,
A cop sees a thief breaking in,
A marine sees a bully take an old lady’s purse,
You gotta feel sorry for him.
A doctor pulls up to a traffic accident,
A teacher sees a child fall behind,
It’s no coincidence they’re where they are,
And they’re competent, good, and kind.
God knows what will happen before it does,
It’s all a part of his immortal plan,
We have to trust in His divine judgment,
That’s not negotiable by mortal man.
God lets good people die every day,
That’s where your faith comes in,
When you are a born again Christian,
In time, you’ll see them again.
When you give your heart and soul to Jesus,
By His grace you are forgiven of your sin,
You shall live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven,
Your life begins anew and you are born again.
I believe that hero’s are Gods visible work,
I believe there are things we are meant to do,
I believe that God has a plan for us all,
That’s what I believe, now how about you?